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The 12 Apostles Commemorative Gold Coin

  • Jesus, surrounded by the names of his 12 Apostles
  • The 12 Apostles at the Last Supper
  • Minted in 14k gold
  • Delivery time approx. 5 working days

Total: $111.00

Early in his ministry, Jesus spent the night on a mountain, alone in prayer. When daylight came,... more
The 12 Apostles Commemorative Gold Coin
Early in his ministry, Jesus spent the night on a mountain, alone in prayer. When daylight came, he gathered his disciples around him. From them, he chose twelve apostles to send forth, delivering thegospel of the Lord. He gave them the power to heal the sick, to raise the dead, and to cast out unclean spirits. Their mission is a glorious example of how God delivers extraordinary things through ordinary people.

Limitation: 9,999 complete collections
Weight: 0.5 g (approx. 0.016 oz)
Diameter: 11 mm (approx. 0.5 inch)
Obverse: Jesus, surrounded by the names of his 12 Apostles
Reverse: The 12 Apostles at the Last Supper
Material: .585 gold
Quality: proof
Issue year: 2008

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