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Remain Close to Great Spirit Commemorative Coin

  • A brilliant tribute to Native American culture
  • Majestic profile of a Native American chieftain
  • "Great Spirit, guide me today"
  • Available

Total: $79.95

In Native American culture, the Great Spirit is the creator of all life; he is the source of all... more
Remain Close to Great Spirit Commemorative Coin
In Native American culture, the Great Spirit is the creator of all life; he is the source of all that is good in man and nature. Not only do Native Americans love, honor, and respect the Great Spiritof the Creator, but also Mother Earth and every living thing. They believe everything on earth is sacred, from the largest mountain to the smallest plant and animal; each with a spirit of its own thatis to be respected and cherished. They understand that there is a lesson to be learned in all things and that every object and experience has a purpose. In the Great Spirit, Native Americans find strength and guidance for their journey through life. The Ten Native American Commandments are a set of ethical instructions equivalent to the biblical Ten Commandments. The "Remain Close to the GreatSpirit" commandment stresses the importance of allowing oneself to be guided by the Creator. Native American culture is deeply rooted in beliefs dedicated to unity, love, and respect for others.

Limitation: 9,999 complete collections
Weight: 32 g
Diameter: 40 mm
Obverse: Remain Close to the Great Spirit
Reverse: Native American Journey
Material: Cu silver-plated
Quality: Proof
Issue year: 2011

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